I remember when you told us. “I think I’m an alcoholic,” your email said. You were in college, studying abroad and scared.
Turn That Frown Upside Down (Literally)
If you are feeling stressed, angry, fearful or any other negative emotion, there is a quick, easy technique you can use to turn that frown upside down (literally).
5 Tips for Serenity in the Midst of Chaos
Chaos is everywhere. There I said it. Now what do we do about it? How do we stay serene when life is chaotic?
Did They Find Their Path?
Cathy presented four different examples of prayer, one for each prayer type, and everyone had a chance to try each one.
Working on Methadone Mile. A Personal Perspective
The vast majority suffer from mental illness as well as substance use disorders. Also, most of these people have no support. No familial support. No sober friends. For many this is the life they know.
Powerlessness As a Way of Life
They say step one is the only step you have to do 100%, but if you ask ten different people how they are powerless over alcohol/addiction they will most likely all give you ten circumstances in their life where they have been powerless.
A Flashback to January. An “Entertaining” Day
Let Us Entertain You 2015 On January 16, 2016, the Ann Arbor Women's Group hosted the annual Movie and Ice Cream event "Let Us Entertain You". This year, 22 women came for fun and fellowship, and of course, the ice cream! Registration was online and a suggested...
Multiple Pathways to Recovery; Yea or Nay?
Multiple Pathways to Recovery I'm going to admit this out loud, and don't judge, but I was one of those people that looked down on other alcoholic/addicts that didn't follow the program of recovery I followed. Even in my own fellowship I saw people doing workbook...
Take Your Own Inventory and Stop the Unsolicited Advice!
Have you ever been trying to help someone out by telling them how they can better themselves or their life and all of a sudden they pop out with, “Take your own damn inventory!” My response was always, “I’m only trying to help.” But am I really? When I share my tidbits of wisdom is it for them or is it for me?
The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Love
Love takes all shapes and forms. The type of love we are taking about here is the unconditional love of one alcoholic/addict helping another…