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Looking for a Service Opportunity?

Without YOU A2WG wouldn’t be possible! To put together an event it takes a multitude of hands working together to make things fall together. The major players in our events (besides the participants) are coordinators, leaders and the helpers. Each of these service positions provides a vital roll. We are currently looking for coordinators and helpers for all events. Help us help you enhance your sobriety. Nothing feels better than giving back.

A2WG volunteers

Event Positions

A2WG has events EVERY MONTH. Where can you be of service?

Helpers: A general volunteer who can set-up/clean-up, bring snacks (reimbursed), check people in at events etc.

Leaders: Someone in recovery with expertise in some area who can lead a workshop, event, retreat etc.

Coordinators: Work closely with a board member and a pre-made checklist to make sure the event gets put together.

Want to become a member of the A2WG  board and impact the lives of women in recovery? Let us know.

We have other volunteer activities below the contact form. See what might interest you.

Specific Tasks We Need

(The time obligation is in parenthesis)

General Volunteers: We needs lots of ladies who are available to do different volunteer activities. (Once you volunteer three times you get an A2WG t-shirt :). Volunteer for one event or multiple events.)

Flyer Passers and Announcers: Contact us on the form above and we will add you to the list to receive emails for different monthly events to announce at your meetings and pass out flyers. (on-going)

Baking and Snacks: Join the list to be contacted a few times a year. We have approx. six different bakery fundraisers a year, and need snacks at our events and retreats. (2-3 times a year)

Social Media Person: Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. (daily)

Guest Bloggers: Do you have writing and/or blogging experience and some experience in recovery? We’d love for you to write a recovery blog for us. (varies)

WordPress Website: Help us troubleshoot any website issues (varies)

Testimonials From Our Volunteers

Volunteer work has been a big part of my recovery. Why? Because I learn new skills like communication skills, getting out of self, giving back and just being a part of a group of wonderful women. I look at these women as role models and feel it is important for me to continue to help. It is important to invest in my recovery and this is one of the ways I have done this. Thank you A2WG for what you are doing!
– Roberta L.

Testimonials From Our Volunteers

Being involved with A2WG as a volunteer has been a recovery enhancing experience for me. I got involved when I had five years sober and I thought that my recovery had peaked. Until I got involved in service work as a board member, a leader, helper, coordinator and a multitude of other activities, I had no idea how stagnant my recovery had become. A2WG gave my recovery the jolt that it needed. I’m forever grateful to A2WG!
– Liz A

Testimonials From Our Volunteers

Service is a big part of my recovery program. It gets me out of myself. It keeps me “in the center of the program.” It builds my self-worth in constructive ways, by allowing me to be useful to others. I get to use my natural skills and to develop new ones. I get to give back. I get to be held responsible. I especially enjoy service with the Ann Arbor Women’s Group. When I work with other women, I get to know them and they get to know me. We build our experience, strength, and hope together. And when I’m wigging out, they are there to let me know! Pitching in with the A2WG enlarges my recovery family: I don’t just stick with a tiny circle of “chosen friends.” We are all worth it. But how will I know that if I don’t get out there and live the life?
– B.K.

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