The Set Aside Prayer
God please help me to set aside everything I think I know about You, everything I think I know about myself, everything I think I know about others, and everything I think I know about my own recovery, for a new experience in You God, a new experience in myself, a new experience in my fellows, and a much needed new experience in my own recovery. Amen
Open Mind = Open Heart
This is a helpful prayer when you find yourself in a position where you think you know everything or when you start judging others or the way things are run. In this prayer you are asking your Higher Power to push aside your ego for a little while so you can learn and grow and have a new experience. Ideally, a spiritual experience.
You can’t learn and grow if your mind is closed off. When the mind is closed, the heart is closed. How is your Higher Power supposed to help you then? Say this prayer. It helps!
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