
Powerlessness As a Way of Life

They say step one is the only step you have to do 100%, but if you ask ten different people how they are powerless over alcohol/addiction they will most likely all give you ten circumstances in their life where they have been powerless.

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Multiple Pathways to Recovery; Yea or Nay?

Multiple Pathways to Recovery I'm going to admit this out loud, and don't judge, but I was one of those people that looked down on other alcoholic/addicts that didn't follow the program of recovery I followed. Even in my own fellowship I saw people doing workbook...

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Take Your Own Inventory and Stop the Unsolicited Advice!

Have you ever been trying to help someone out by telling them how they can better themselves or their life and all of a sudden they pop out with, “Take your own damn inventory!” My response was always, “I’m only trying to help.” But am I really? When I share my tidbits of wisdom is it for them or is it for me?

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Op-Ed Blogs

The blogs that are on the Ann Arbor Women’s Group site are considered “opinion” blogs. They are based on the blogger’s experience in recovery and may link to outside sources. These blogs, and the links, may or may not be the opinions of the Ann Arbor Women’s Group. We believe in multiple pathways to recovery and are not affiliated with any one method or organization.